Gold Ridge
Cognitive Canines

Services Provided to Best Fit Your Needs
Dog Emotion's Matter
Educating with a background in psychology & cognitive ethology, to help dogs live a biologically fulfilling life, harmoniously with their human companions/caretakers.
Ensuring that your interactions with your dog is in a fulfilling way, both physically and mentally, allows the best parts of their unique personality to shine and for both of you to live a more cohesive life together. GRCC will ensure you are both put on the correct track and guide you to a more harmonious life together. We will look at your dog's inherent personality traits, that are accompanied by their instincts and genetics; to develop into a strong, healthy team it is important to work with your dog's genetics instead of against them.
Our cognitive play/relationship/ethological based approach will allow you to connect with your dog on another level and be able to find cooperation and agreement, where your training will be built upon. We will coach you through the process in your home, or on our property, providing the space for you and your dog to learn in your own pace to build the foundation of clarity, confidence, and trust in your relationship with each other.
In order to successfully thrive as a team, it is important to not only teach the "how", but also the "why" a dog does anything.
Understanding the reason behind things makes the "what" the "how" and even sometimes "when" a lot easier to apply.
Many roads lead to Rome, and there are many ways to reach your goals. Together we will go over all of your options and discover the best route to your destination that best suits both you and your dog. Through our tailored training, we will create clear communication, allowing you to give your dog the guidance needed to nurture healthy habits, while also preventing and eliminating unwanted behaviors.